Saturday March 29, 2014, 72 miles (116 km) – Total so far: 1,218 miles (1,960 km)
March 29, 2014 72 miles We got a good early start today hoping to get in some good miles. After a few miles we passed a bakery/pastry shop so we just had to stop for breakfast. This will be our first of many planned breakfast stops at French bakeries as it was simply delicious. Jocelyn had a difficult time navigating out of Perpignam but we finally found our way. Around lunch time we found our first vineyard to stop at for a tasting and lunch. What a great small family vineyard and old building. After our second day in France we figured out that a bottle of wine is cheaper than two small draft beers. This fueled us for many more hours. We kept going hoping to find a spot to stealth camp but we were soon in the historic city of Beziers. We tried to get out of town with our lights on but it was soon dark and busy. So we stopped at another hotel for the night and will tour an old French cathedral in the morning. It was a long but satisfying 11 hours on the road.