Wednesday May 27, 2015
We finally left Cape Canaveral on Saturday May 23rd not knowing when we would come home again. I’ve been gone so much these last four years and it gets harder to say goodbye.
Our first stop was in Atlanta, Georgia at a friend’s apartment. The next day we continued west looking for a camping spot in Arkansas but the weather would not cooperate as a storm blew in with very strong wind and rain. After dark we decided to stay in a motel in Hardy, Arkansas. The next day we found a fine state park campground Kansas. Right after dinner the sky opened up and an almost all night thunder and lightning storm appeared as we hunkered down in our new tent. I’m glad to say we and the tent survived a real pounding. We continued to a KOA campground in Limon, Colorado where we met our friends Susan and Richard who are on their way to summer jobs in Yellowstone. They bbq’d a fine meal after which we crawled in our tent for another wet night. The next day we explored Colorado Springs.