Thursday November 3, 2011, 76 miles (122 km) – Total so far: 2,108 miles (3,392 km)
We rode out of Lordsburg, New Mexico with 25 mph SE cold winds. A front moved through and brought the wind chill to the 20’s. A few miles out of town Jocelyn went flat again. It was really tough to take off my gloves but we had the tube changed out pretty quickly as it was another wire puncture. The wind blew us towards Arizona with continued beautiful scenic vistas and several trains. We flew through a mountain pass and a few miles later were in Arizona! We stopped at the first rest stop but didn’t stick out our thumbs this time! Another time change gave us an extra hour and we decided to stay the night in Willcox, Arizona. We walked over the I-10 bridge and found another good Mexican restaurant. Tucson is about 85 miles away. Today we did 76 miles and will try to get to Tucson Friday or Saturday. We plan to visit with my parents friends from long ago.