Monthly Archives: October 2014

A trip to the Tibetan Highland

Tuesday October 28, 2014

Chinese transportation tickets are difficult to purchase unless you or someone with you speaks Chinese. As in Kyrgyzstan we found an excellent English speaking travel agent in Kashgar. Musa was a tremendous help in obtaining our train tickets, knowledge of the area, as he is a local, and general recommendations for China travel. Musa can be reached by email or cell: mobile: 15999303386

We had originally planned to spend two extra days in Lanzhou so that we could travel to the Tibetan Plateau and Grasslands and tour the Labrang Tibetan Monastery. We had checked with the bus station for the 4 hour drive but really couldn’t figure it out and because of inclement weather sometimes the pass is closed due to snow as it was on Monday. While discussing options with the hotel manager another guest mentioned that he and his friends were considering renting a van and driver for the next day to go there and if we were interested the cost would be split 7 ways. We immediately said yes and Tuesday morning we drove with five new friends from Malaysia. It was raining until we climbed the Tibetan Plateau to about 10,000 feet and arrived in LaBrang, China to find beautiful but cold weather. This part of Tibet, also called “The Roof of the World” ,due to the immense size of the plateau, is open but the Tibet area south of the Himalayas is closed to tourists and requires a special permit and guide. Tibet is a former independent nation whereas the plateau and highlands were always part of China. Tibet became part of China in 1965.

We spent Tuesday night at a hotel in Labrang and then toured the beautiful Labrang Tibetan Monastery Wednesday. We are back in Lanzhou and travel tomorrow overnight by train to Chengdu then retrieve our bikes and ride south hoping to soon find warmer weather.

Our hotel room had a seat toilet. Management does not want this toilet used for vomiting or standing on and trying to use it as a squat toilet.
Our hotel room had a seat toilet. Management does not want this toilet used for vomiting or standing on and trying to use it as a squat toilet.
Information about the Labrang Tibetan Monastery.
Information about the Labrang Tibetan Monastery.


The Tibetan Highlands consist of the Tibetan Plateau (the "roof of the world") and Grasslands.
The Tibetan Highlands consist of the Tibetan Plateau (the “roof of the world”) and Grasslands.


Our first Yak.
Our first Yak.


Labrang Monastery.
Labrang Monastery.




Dealing in skins.
Dealing in skins.
The morning of our visit it was 25F.
The morning of our visit it was 25F.


Tibetan prayer flags. We were able to purchase several sets to hang on our house. Really cool looking when faded and flying.
Tibetan prayer flags. We were able to purchase several sets to hang on our house. Really cool looking when faded and flying.
Several pictures follow showing the old Tibetan architecture and Buddhist symbols.
Several pictures follow showing the old Tibetan architecture and Buddhist symbols.








The flowers are made from yak butter and preserved.
The flowers are made from yak butter and preserved.






Praying before the main temple.
Praying before the main temple.
Our Tibetan monk English speaking guide. Pictures were not allowed inside any temple of which each was a museum of old Buddhist statues, art, and books.
Our Tibetan monk English speaking guide. Pictures were not allowed inside any temple of which each was a museum of old Buddhist statues, art, and books.
Walls of Tibetan prayer wheels surround the monastery. People pray by walking around the entire area and turning each wheel by hand.
Walls of Tibetan prayer wheels surround the monastery. People pray by walking around the entire area and turning each wheel by hand.
The corners contain extra large wheels.
The corners contain extra large wheels.


Noontime downtown Labrang. School just let out.
Noontime downtown Labrang. School just let out.
Our five new Malaysian friends who we accompanied to the Labrang Tibetan Monastery.
Our five new Malaysian friends who we accompanied to the Labrang Tibetan Monastery.