Category Archives: Azerbaijan

We are headed to Iran!

Friday August 1, 2014

After a sometimes frustrating week back and forth to the Iranian Consulate in Baku and several Skype calls to our agent in Iran we now have our visas! This is indeed a banner moment. We have read many cycle touring blogs and the favorite country of all in most of these blogs is Iran because it is a beautiful country and the people very friendly. Needless to say we are so excited to start our 28 day cycling tour which will include mostly camping.

In the meantime we have stayed in a very comfortable hotel near old town Baku. Our bicycles are well taken care of and we have been exploring this very interesting city. So far we have spent almost an entire month applying for and waiting for visas. But we have made peace with the process and learned that patience and smiles get the job done.

We would like to thank our agents in Iran, Ali and Hamid, for their tireless work in making this overwhelming task happen. We would also like to thank the Baku Islamic Republic of Iran Consulate manager who befriended us and became very interested in our journey and took it upon himself to make this happen. After our visas were issued we were invited into his office where he talked about the tension between our two countries and that someday he hopes there will be peace and free travel between us. We wholeheartedly agree and thanked him for his generous time. He wanted to be among the first to welcome us to Iran and is such a kind and thoughtful gentleman.

After one more business task we will cycle the 120 miles to Bilasuvar which is our point of entry on the Azerbaijan and Iran border. We will then start our Iran cycle tour.

Soviet Union art on an apartment building.
Soviet Union art on an apartment building.
Very clean and interesting city.
Very clean and interesting city.
We found Mexican!
We found Mexican!



Old City Baku walls.
Old City Baku walls.



Getting my sandals shined.
Getting my sandals shined.
Interesting architecture and a very imposing mosque minaret.
Interesting architecture and a very imposing mosque minaret.
The bay side is very oily.
The bay side is very oily.
Christmas trees throughout this park.
Christmas trees throughout this park.


A very cool design on the 10 manat note. Worth about $12 USD.
A very cool design on the 10 manat note. Worth about $12 USD.


Our bikes are safe and secure locked in the hotel storage room.
Our bikes are safe and secure locked in the hotel storage room.
Big bank behind the President of Azerbaijan billboard.
Big bank behind the President of Azerbaijan billboard.
We celebrated our visas with a very fine Baltica #7. One of my favorite from my Russian days.
We celebrated our visas with a very fine Baltica #7. One of my favorite from my Russian days.
Big smiles with our Iranian visas.
Big smiles with our Iranian visas.
Our visas were placed on a very appropriate passport page that reads, "What a glorious morning for our country." We would like to amend that to say "countries".
Our visas were placed on a very appropriate passport page that reads, “What a glorious morning for our country.” We would like to amend that to say “countries”.
