Thursday November 10, 2011, 77 miles (124 km) – Total so far: 2,497 miles (4,018 km)
We left Yuma this morning on Hwy 95 South. This bypass road takes you to the west end of Yuma and I-8. It was a nice morning ride through Yuma’s agricultural region. Soon we were back on I-8 and crossed into California! As soon as we did the Beast dropped the chain and I had to stop to physically move it while traffic whizzed by. Not fun and it is bent again. We stopped at the state line sign and the Welcome to California sign. It was fun to take several pictures. I’m sure all the drivers thought we were nuts. But we had made it cross country so we seized the moment.
We had never seen the Glamis Dunes before so were quite impressed. Gigantic sand dunes filled the area and we were in awe of the mountainous size. We continued our way on I-8 even though we passed several signs that said no bicycles. We were soon stopped by the Highway Patrol and told to get off I-8 and take a frontage road. I’m usually good with this except this frontage road was an old broken up road with mostly ruts and sand. At the next two exits there was a patrol car sitting and watching (I suppose) if we would attempt to return onto I-8. I don’t know if it was the same guy but it was spooky. It was a very trying 20 miles before it got better. We walked some, cursed some, but eventually made it to El Centro before sunset only because we gained an hour for Pacific Time. The mileage from Yuma to El Centro is listed at 63. We went 77 miles or 14 extra. What a hard trying day especially after our big day yesterday. So we are at a quandary on how to get to San Diego. The ACA route takes you through lots of climbing of which my bike won’t do. And the alternate is illegal. We are both beat and hurting so may take a day off tomorrow.